
The Real Sale... What the winemaker is really buying in the vineyard.

The Real Sale... What the winemaker is really buying in the vineyard.

One of the most fundamental exchanges that takes place in the wine business is the purchase and sale of grapes at harvest. For many wine regions around the world this is a vertically integrated and managed resource. This is not so, in Washington. By and large the industry is not vertically integrated yet and shows some indication of heading more in that direction as land values, water scarcity, and labor rates increase. (Not considering huge conglomerates controlling the lion share but, by numbers of wineries and their industry needs)

Too much irrigation... In a hot season?

Too much irrigation... In a hot season?

In much of Washington's growing area we have more control than most of the growing areas in the world. Our soils are naturally barren, and we have essentially no rainfall, or very little rainfall in the main part of the growing season. In a sense, we have a more empty canvas than many vineyards around the world; with that, we can choose to paint the picture we wish to paint.