The Tao of Farming - Lesson #4

Lesson #4  Be Patient


Should a lord of ten thousand chariots

treat himself more lightly than he treats the whole world?

Too light: you lose your foundation

Too restless: you lose your mastery.

-Tao Te Ching #26


When we wait for something we anticipate what comes next. We stand restless on the edge of the next thing waiting to rush in with our plans in hand. Patience is more pleasant. It is settling into the situation. Taking stock of what is around you, noticing more. Using your time to prepare further for the next, or adjust based on new information. Patience is equanimity. 

In the field there are truly many things which can test your patience. However, I can think of no other greater than Winter itself. We must hold fast and have the patience and determination to make it to the next year. To have done good work in preparation over Winter as we arrive at Spring. To understand we will not know what the new vintage brings until Mother Nature reveals it. Advice, use your time to study that which is unchangeable.