canopy management

Continued discussion on vineyard spray programs. How I saved 60,000 dollars in chemicals over two vintages. Part 2 of 2

Continued discussion on vineyard spray programs. How I saved 60,000 dollars in chemicals over two vintages. Part 2 of 2

The second most important factor is to understand how you fit in in the puzzle. Am I a mildew enabler? In the first post on this topic we talked about the things that the viticulturist must know but, cannot control. Today we will talk about the things that the viticulturist can control. Much of this for the seasoned viticulturist may seem like a review of items they've heard before. So, I will be taking the vocabulary that I have outlined and applying it to the decision making process I used in the 2016 season to add context.

Creating Time in the Vineyard... Proactive vs. Reactive Farming

Creating Time in the Vineyard... Proactive vs. Reactive Farming

I can't speak for everyone, but wouldn't it feel great to be on top of everything in the vineyard and feel like you are ahead of the game for once? In the moment, you'll likely never feel this relaxed. Even if you are on top of things, there will be times when you think you are behind. Aside from those realities, I want to discuss some ways to create time in your business and to assess whether you are really ahead of the game or behind the 8-ball. I'll end the discussion by summarizing three tools I use in getting the work done on time each season for the least cost.