Where do ideas for the good grapes grow.

Complex tasks, labor, management systems, plant physiology, emerging science… nutrition, fermentations, population dynamics, pests, chemicals, environment and et cetera…  There are many things we learn about, trying to improve whatever it is we do, whether that be grape growing, winemaking or something completely unrelated. 


How often we look over the simplest parts. The most inspiration I have found in the last several years has not been from text books, lectures or research papers. It has been at my feet, within myself. Strengthening my resolve. How to work with negative space and action. How to master the basics. How to look at yourself and actions honestly. There is more improvement at your fingertips than there is just an arms length away. "It doesn’t always have to be a fantastical beast… sometimes, it’s just you" and strengthening your character enough to go there is the challenge. 


Our greatest achievements and advancements are hiding in the most obvious places.